Exhibitor Information

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All Exhibitors, if camping, are required to pay for camping and must camp in the campgrounds only in an assigned spot. 

 Please read and comply with these safety requirements, they will be enforced in the effort to  present an enjoyable and safe show for everyone. 

All show officials are empowered to stop unsafe situations or operations of equipment.  Persistence of unsafe practice will result in removal from the show. 

1. Tractors will have a kill switch or a mechanism that will ensure certain and  immediate stopping of equipment. 

2. All trailers or implements will be additionally secured to the tow vehicle by an  adequate safety chain, in case of primary attachment method failure. 

3. Passengers will be positioned in seats away from wheels or moving parts. No  standing on hitches, running boards, fenders, overcrowding, etc. 

4. Turning in the parade route and operating equipment toward spectators is strictly  prohibited. 

5. Running equipment is to be closely supervised at all times. Keep in mind hot  equipment can be dangerous as well. Running equipment shall not be left  unattended. 

6. Consumption of alcohol by people who are responsible for operating equipment will  not be tolerated. Alcohol on tractors and other equipment is prohibited; operating a  vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is as much a violation of state  law on museum grounds as it is on any street or highway and shall not be tolerated. 

7. Anyone driving equipment will be required to have a driver’s license and a  thorough understanding of the operation of that equipment. 

8. All pressure vessels must be certified and operated by a knowledgeable operator.  Ref. 6.3 and 6.4 

9. Lights are required for all operations of equipment after dusk. 

10. No equipment shall be operated after Dark. 

11. All Mobile equipment shall be secured with wheel chocks when parked. 12. Whenever possible a safety observer should ride in the hay wagons while operating  with passengers during show hours. 

13. All stationary running equipment shall have adequate barricades for safety   purposes. 

These rules cannot replace good sense as no amount of rules could. Please keep a  watchful eye for unsafe conditions and eliminate them immediately.